Published on June 21, 2005 By Draaven In Galactic Civilizations II
SDCentral just updated itself on my machine now whenever it starts up and then when it tries to login and check for updates it throws a debug error. Plus if I just try and run GC2 it loads galciv2.exe and uses up 5k memory but does nothing else after that, just stays on the WinXP Desktop.
Here's a link to the error text file which I couldn't paste into this post: Link
on Jun 21, 2005
I get a page cannot be found error on the link you posted.
on Jun 21, 2005
My Stardock Central also crashes itself while "updating network and application information". The standard windows error message about sending an error report to microsoft pops up.
on Jun 21, 2005
I am also getting SDC crashes. I just ran a crash through to the VC++ debuger and it shows a break point at this part of SDCentral.exe -| 63623BC3 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] |- I'm not a VC++ programmer so it all means nothing to me.

This occurred when I agreed to allow SDC to update itself. If I say no to the Update SDC does not crash but it seems to hang when trying to get the Games List - I just get a blank Tab and the working Clock icon. It wll sit there unchanged for hours if left.
on Jun 21, 2005

Hi guys,

I think we have this bug fixed internally, but we need to test it out more before making it live.

on Jun 21, 2005
My Stardock Central also crashes itself while "updating network and application information". The standard windows error message about sending an error report to microsoft pops up.

Same problem here...
on Jun 24, 2005

Plus if I just try and run GC2 it loads galciv2.exe and uses up 5k memory but does nothing else after that, just stays on the WinXP Desktop.

Sounds like it's not loading the dlls, maybe you're missing one.  Which dlls do you have in your gc2 directory?